About Us :D

The creators of this website are Kimberly Gacia & Kevin 'Mango' Cartagena. We are currently students at Victory Early College. We created this page to inform those who have this disorder so called 'Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome' and want to learn more about it. We tried to put as much information as possible for all those who want to learn about what can go wrong in Chromosome 3. It is a crazy disorder but its also rare. While making this website we both learned new stuff about the disorders. We learned that there isn't any cure for this type of disorder. We really hope this website helped you on most of your questions. Any Questions, Comments or Concerns feel free to ask us or leave us all of that in our comment box. :)

The Creators

Kimberly Garcia & Kevin 'Mango' Cartagena
Block 8
Victory Early College High School